• 法醫學院博士研究生導師——羅承良


    羅承良,博士,教授,博導,哈佛醫學院博士后。2024年5月以高層次人才從蘇州大學引進至昆明醫科大學法醫學院工作。先后主持國家自然科學基金4項(含面上2項),省部級項目5項,第一作者或通訊作者在Journal of Pineal Research、Free Radical Biology and Medicine、Forensic Science International等知名期刊上發表SCI收錄論文40余篇。副主編或參編教材及著作6部。曾獲江蘇省高校“青藍工程”優秀青年骨干教師、江蘇省科學技術三等獎、全國博管辦博士后國際交流計劃派出項目獲選者等獎勵和榮譽。擔任海峽兩岸醫藥衛生交流協會法醫學分會委員、中國生物物理學會生物微量元素分會委員、國際期刊《Antioxidants》客座主編、《Aging and Disease》與《Brain-X》青年編委等學術兼職。





    2)國家自然科學基金面上項目, 82271409, 基于線粒體介導鐵死亡過程探討mitoNEET調控Tfr1與Acsl4在腦外傷后認知功能障礙中的作用機制, 2023.01-2026.12, 52萬元, 在研, 主持。

    3)國家自然科學基金面上項目, 81971163, 基于TrkB/PI3K/Akt/Nrf2通路探討NAS改善顱腦創傷后氧化應激與神經功能的作用機制研究, 2020.01-2023.12, 55萬元, 已結題, 主持。



    [1] Rui T, Wang H, Li Q, Cheng Y, Gao Y, Fang X, Ma X, Chen G, Gao C, Gu Z, Song S, Zhang J, Wang C, Wang Z, Wang T, Zhang M, Min J, Chen X, Tao L*, Wang F*, Luo C*. Deletion of ferritin H in neurons counteracts the protective effect of melatonin against traumatic brain injury-induced ferroptosis. Journal Pineal Research 2021; 70(2):e12704. (IF: 12.081)

    [2] Cheng Y, Gao Y, Li J, Rui T, Li Q, Chen H, Jia B, Song Y, Gu Z, Wang T, Gao C, Wang Y, Wang Z, Wang F*, Tao L*, Luo C*. TrkB agonist N-acetyl serotonin promotes functional recovery after traumatic brain injury by suppressing ferroptosis via the PI3K/Akt/Nrf2/Ferritin H pathway. Free Radic Biol Med. 2023; 194:184-198. (IF: 8.101)

    [3] Gao Y, Wang T, Cheng Y, Wu Y, Zhu L, Gu Z, Wu Y, Cai L, Wu Y, Zhang Y, Gao C, Li L, Li J, Li Q, Wang Z, Wang Y, Wang F*, Luo C*, Tao L*. Melatonin ameliorates neurological deficits through MT2/IL-33/ferritin H signaling-mediated inhibition of neuroinflammation and ferroptosis after traumatic brain injury. Free Radic Biol Med. 2023; 199:97-112. (IF: 8.101)

    [4] Gao Y, Cai L, Wu Y, Jiang M, Zhang Y, Ren W, Song Y, Li L, Lei Z, Wu Y, Zhu L, Li J, Li D, Li G*, Luo C*, Tao L*. Emerging functions and therapeutic targets of IL-38 in central nervous system diseases. CNS Neurosci Ther. 2024; 30(2):e14550.  (IF: 5.5)

    [5] Qu W, Cheng Y, Peng W, Wu Y, Rui T, Luo C*, Zhang J*. Targeting iNOS Alleviates Early Brain Injury After Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage via Promoting Ferroptosis of M1 Microglia and Reducing Neuroinflammation. Mol Neurobiol. 2022; 59(5):3124-3139. (IF: 5.59)

    [6] Xu Y, Jia B, Li J, Li Q*, Luo C*. The Interplay between Ferroptosis and Neuroinflammation in Central Neurological Disorders. Antioxidants. 2024; 13(4):395. (IF: 6.0)

    [7] Jia B, Li J, Song Y, Luo C*. ACSL4-Mediated Ferroptosis and Its Potential Role in Central Nervous System Diseases and Injuries. Int J Mol Sci. 2023; 24(12):10021 (IF: 5.6)

    [8] Cheng Y, Qu W, Li J, Jia B, Song Y, Wang L, Rui T, Li Q*, Luo C*. Ferristatin II, an Iron Uptake Inhibitor, Exerts Neuroprotection against Traumatic Brain Injury via Suppressing Ferroptosis. ACS Chem Neurosci. 2022; 13(5):664-675.(IF: 5.0)

    [9] Wang Y, Hu G, Liu N, Wang M, Chen R, Zhu R, Wang Y, Ren X, Wang Y, Xu W, Luo C*, Wang J*, Xia S*, Xiu X. Development of Dermestes tessellatocollis Motschulsky under different constant temperatures and its implication in forensic entomology. Forensic Sci Int. 2021;321:110723. (IF: 2.2)

    [10] Yao Xu, Yongsheng Liu, Yan Wu, Jingshan Sun, Xiaocheng Lu, Kun Dai, Yiting Zhang*, Chengliang Luo*, Jian Zhang*. Curcumin Alleviates MicrogliaMediated Neuroinfammation and Neuronal Ferroptosis Following Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage by Modulating the Nrf2/HO1 Signaling Pathway. Molecular Neurobiology 2024 Aug. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12035-024 -04443-7 (IF: 4.6)

    五、聯系郵箱: luochengliang@kmmu.edu.cn


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