• 法醫學院碩士研究生導師——嚴慧


    嚴慧,博士,研究員,碩士生導師。司法鑒定科學研究院法醫毒物法化研究室副主任/研究員,主持和參與國家和省部級科研項目10余項,主持和參與制定毒物毒品鑒定技術國家標準、行業標準20余項,在國內外有影響力的專業期刊上發表論文80余篇,參與撰寫《法醫毒物學手冊》等多部專著,被《法醫學雜志》《Forensic science research》等多家雜志聘為專家審稿人、專業編輯,曾獲司法部司法為民好榜樣稱號,上海市科技進步一等獎、三等獎。








    [1]Jiao-Jiao Ji, Jiaman Lin, Xin Wang, Hang Chen, Qiran Sun, Duoqi Xu, Ping Xiang,Junling Dun, Hui Yan*, Min Shen*.Estimation of the time of zolpidem intake and differentiation between consumption and external contamination using MALDI-MSI for investigations on single hair samples.Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis.2024,248: 116272.(IF=3.1)

    [2]Yiling Tang, Linhao Xu, Junbo Zhao, Ping Xiang, Hui Yan*.Metabolism of dipentylone in zebrafish and human liver microsomes determined by liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry.Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 2023,236:115710. (IF=3.1)

    [3]Mobing Chen, Wei Liu, Ping Xiang, Linhao Xu, Yiling Tang, Ran Kong, Shuo Yang, Hui Yan*,Bin Di.Development of an LC-MS/MS method for the determination of multiple mycotoxins in human Urine.Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A.2023,40(7):917-927. (IF=2.3)

    [4]Linhao Xu,Xinze Liu,Zixuan Song,Ping Xiang,Taijun Hang,Hui Yan*.In vitro and in vivo metabolism of 3-Methoxyeticyclidine inhuman liver microsomes, a zebrafish model, and two human urine samples based on liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry.Drug Testing and Analysis. 2023;1–8.DOI: 10.1002/dta.3488. (IF=2.6)

    [5]Caixia Guo#,Hui Yan#, Wei Liu,Ping Xiang,Bin Di,Min Shen.Liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric method for determination of 425 drugs and poisons in dried blood spots and application to forensic cases.Forensic Toxicology,2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11419-023-00659-9. (IF=2.8)

    [6]Xinze Liu, Wei Liu, Ping Xiang, Taijun Hang, Yan Shi, Linna Yue, and Hui Yan*. Metabolism of ADB-4en-PINACA in Zebrafish and Rat Liver Microsomes Determined by Liquid Chromatography–High Resolution Mass Spectrometry.Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2022,77(8):1036–1046.(IF=1.0)

    [7] Mobing Chen, Xinze Liu, Shuo Yang, Zhuonan Chen, Bin Di, Wei Liu*, Hui Yan*.HPLC–MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of aflatoxins in blood: toxicokinetics of aflatoxin B 1 and aflatoxin M 1 in rats. Journal of Analytical Science and Technology.2022,13:27-37.(IF=2.5)

    [8]Kai Zhang#, Hui Yan#, Ruina Liu, Ping Xiang, Kaifei Deng, Ji Zhang, Ya Tuo, Zhenyuan Wan*, Ping Huang*. Exploring metabolic alterations associated with death from asphyxia and the differentiation of asphyxia from sudden cardiac death by GC-HRMS-based untargeted metabolomics. Journal of Chromatography B, doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2021.122638(IF=2.8)

    [9]Yue Linna, Xiang Ping, Shen Baohua, Xu Duoqi, Song Fenyun,  Yan Hui*. Metabolism of 4F-MDMB-BICA in zebrafish by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry. Drug Testing and Analysis.2021,13:1223-1229.(IF=2.6)

    [10]Zhang Kai#, Yan Hui#, Liu Ruina, Xiang Ping, Zhang Ji, Deng Kaifei,Huang Ping*, Wang Zhenyuan*.The Use of Gas Chromatography Coupled with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry-Based Untargeted Metabolomics to Discover Metabolic Changes and Help in the Determination of Complex Causes of Death: A Preliminary Study.ACS Omega,2021,6(3):2100-2109.(IF=3.7)


    五、聯系郵箱: yanh@ssfjd.cn






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